Previous Posts
- NURO closed@21.92(-11.72)today. Called/Short@29.16...
- ZUMZ closed@20.8,-4.67%,called/short @31.03-31.54 ...
- NAZ strenthened its sell-off in the afternoon
- 1323 remains my target for SPX ahead
- How far can this Bull go?
- ALNY reached 15.38 today, called@13.16 last Thur.
- NURO saw 24.63&closed@24.83(-4.9%) today. Called/S...
- CMOS reached 2.95 today, called@1.86 at group on A...
- CNTF closed@9.34(+9.62%) today, picked@7.15 on Aug 22
- SIGM closed@15.2(+9.91%), ANAD reached@8.38 today
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